Running out of time
: the temporal case against the kalam

  • Nathan Bray

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis (MPhil)


In this dissertation, I argue that if the kalam cosmological argument works, then it must work on either the A-theory of time or the B-theory of time. I offer several arguments for thinking that the kalam does not work on either the A-theory of time or the B-theory of time. The two main versions of the A-theory, presentism and the growing block theory, are considered. Even though I argue that the growing block theorist has the greatest chance of making the kalam work, I nonetheless argue that their attempts fail for various reasons. In the end, the kalam is left unsupported by any major theory of time and is therefore vitiated.
Date of Award12 Jun 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of St Andrews
SupervisorSimon James Prosser (Supervisor) & Colin Philip Johnstone (Supervisor)


  • Kalam cosmological argument
  • Philosophy of religion
  • Philosophy of time
  • B-theory of time
  • A-theory of time
  • Time travel

Access Status

  • Full text open

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