Blank : a ghostly story

  • Danielle Woodworth

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis (MFA)


This work is the first seven chapters of a middle grade or young adult novel in the urban fantasy genre. These chapters introduce the two main characters and some supporting characters. Foremost among these supporting characters are an aunt, a grandfather, and a ghost. The grandfather and the ghost have peripheral roles in the contained chapters, but become more involved in the plot as the novel continues. The events in the chapters first provide necessary interactions between the main characters. Starting in the first chapter, their interactions cause these characters to bond and begin a friendship. The friendship will be the driving force of the main plot. These chapters also contain incidents and information that will become relevant later on.
Date of Award13 Jun 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of St Andrews
SupervisorJohn Burnside (Supervisor)


  • Creative writing thesis
  • Young adult fiction
  • Prose writing
  • Fiction
  • Novel fragment
  • Setting : Idaho
  • Supernatural

Access Status

  • Full text open

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