Workshop: Ethics in everyday practice

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOther


The focus of research and discussion of medical ethics often focuses on the controversial headline-grabbing life or death topics such as abortion, euthanasia and NHS rationing however the primary care setting poses many opportunities for ethical decision-making in normal everyday practice. In fact, this area is one that has been highlighted recently by both the Royal Society of Medicine, who ran a workshop with the RCGP last year on “ethics in the ordinary”, and the MPS who ran an article in September on “ethics in the everyday”.

This workshop will first of all introduce the key frameworks used in medical ethics, as well as discussing the GMC’s “Duties of a doctor”. We’ll then discuss and examine the kinds of situations and scenarios which arise in primary care and necessitate ethical deliberation. Finally we’ll seek to build some example case studies which can then be used in medical ethics teaching, to help students understand the relevance and importance of their training in ethics, not just for the exceptional, controversial cases, but for their daily professional life.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2012
EventAnnual meeting of the University Departments of General Practice in Scotland - Dundee, United Kingdom
Duration: 19 Jan 201220 Jan 2012


ConferenceAnnual meeting of the University Departments of General Practice in Scotland
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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