WASP-104b and WASP-106b: two transiting hot Jupiters in 1.75-day and 9.3-day orbits

A.M.S. Smith, D.R. Anderson, D.J. Armstrong, S.C.C. Barros, A.S. Bonomo, F. Bouchy, D.J.A. Brown, A. Collier Cameron, L. Delrez, F. Faedi, M. Gillon, Y. Gómez Maqueo Chew, G. Hébrard, E. Jehin, M. Lendl, T.M. Louden, P.F.L. Maxted, G. Montagnier, M. Neveu-Vanmalle, H.P. OsbornF. Pepe, D. Pollacco, D. Queloz, J.W. Rostron, D. Segransan, B. Smalley, A.H.M.J. Triaud, O.D. Turner, S. Udry, S.R. Walker, R.G. West, P.J. Wheatley

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We have used the WASP survey to discover two exoplanetary systems, each consisting of a Jupiter-sized planet transiting an 11th-magnitude (V) main-sequence star. WASP-104b orbits its star in 1.75 d, whereas WASP-106b has the fourth-longest orbital period of any planet discovered by means of transits observed from the ground, orbiting every 9.29 d. Each planet is more massive than Jupiter (WASP-104b has a mass of 1.27 ± 0.05MJup, while WASP-106b has a mass of 1.93 ± 0.08MJup). Both planets are just slightly larger than Jupiter, with radii of 1.14 ± 0.04 and 1.09 ± 0.04RJup for WASP-104 and WASP-106, respectively. No significant orbital eccentricity is detected in either system, and while this is not surprising in the case of the short-period WASP-104b, it is interesting in the case of WASP-106b, because many otherwise similar planets are known to have eccentric orbits.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberA64
Number of pages8
JournalAstronomy & Astrophysics
Early online date17 Oct 2014
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014


  • Planets and satellites: detection
  • Planets and satellites: fundamental parameters
  • Stars: individual: WASP-104b
  • Stars: individual: WASP-106b
  • Planetary systems


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