Walking together: testimony amidst deep disagreement

Cate Anthony, Bill Clarkson, Emily Collette, Will Dickinson, Alice Grant, Aaron M. Pelot, Peter Schellhase, Mason Waldhauser, Jill Williams, Travis Wilson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


From 2017 to 2020, ten seminarians from five different Anglican seminaries met to discuss the difficult topics that have caused division and conflict in the worldwide Anglican Communion. Representing the Anglican Church in North America, The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Continuum, these seminarians desired to humanize the conflict by pursuing embodied experiences of disagreement and reconciliation, even while recognizing that resolution in the form of agreement would be virtually impossible. Reconciling Practices recounts their journey in the hope that the experiences of these seminarians might serve as a model for the Anglican Communion. In the words of the Most Rev. Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, this book shows us "how it is indeed possible to encounter one another not as opposition or other, but as beloved children of God."
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationReconciling practices
Subtitle of host publicationlistening, praying and witnessing in the midst of division
EditorsRobert S. Heaney, Jacques B. Hadler Jr., Hartley Hobson Wensing
Place of PublicationAlexandria, VA
PublisherVTS Press
ISBN (Print)9798813766442
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jun 2022


  • Anglican
  • Reconciliation
  • Anglican communion
  • Continuing Anglican
  • Anglican continuum
  • Episcopal Church
  • Anglican Church in North America
  • Reformed Episcopal Church
  • Anglican Province of America
  • Anglican realignment


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  • Listening together: reading scripture amidst deep disagreement

    Anthony, C., Clarkson, B., Collette, E., Dickinson, W., Grant, A., Pelot, A. M., Schellhase, P., Waldhauser, M., Williams, J. & Wilson, T., 5 Jun 2022, Reconciling practices: listening, praying and witnessing in the midst of division. Heaney, R. S., Hadler Jr., J. B. & Wensing, H. H. (eds.). Alexandria, VA: VTS Press

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  • Witnessing together: defining reconciliation amidst deep disagreement

    Anthony, C., Clarkson, B., Collette, E., Dickinson, W., Grant, A., Pelot, A. M., Schellhase, P., Waldhauser, M., Williams, J. & Wilson, T., 5 Jun 2022, Reconciling practices: listening, praying and witnessing in the midst of division. Heaney, R. S., Hadler Jr., J. B. & Wensing, H. H. (eds.). Alexandria, VA: VTS Press

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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