Visual search for motion-in-depth: Stereomotion does not 'pop out' from disparity noise

Julie M. Harris*, Suzanne P. McKee, Scott N.J. Watamaniuk

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In a visual search task, targets defined by motion or binocular disparity stand out effortlessly from stationary distractors ('pop-out'), suggesting that target and distractors are processed by different neural mechanisms. We used pop-out to explore whether motion directly toward or away from the observer (z-motion) is detected using binocular motion cues. A target moving laterally (x-motion) popped out amid stationary distractors with binocular disparity, but z-motion did not pop out. However, a small x-motion added to the target's z-motion caused it to pop out. We therefore suggest that the visual system may not be specifically sensitive to binocular motion differences.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)165-168
Number of pages4
JournalNature Neuroscience
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1998


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