Using an ePortfolio to encourage independent learning, self evaluation and peer review Jim Aiton*

James Fortune Aiton, Julie Struthers, Susan Challoner Whiten, Simon Cotteril, Paul Horner

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Conclusions/ recommendations

Embedding our ePortfolio is still an ongoing process and it is not without pain. Feedback from staff and students has helped inform the design of the ePortfolio, improve the clarity of purpose and the quality of training and feedback. Though our students are at the beginning of their professional careers, they understand that maintaining a portfolio will be an important aspect of their personal development.

The accumulation of a log recording developing competencies provides students with tangible evidence of their acquisition of appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes. A more formal and practical approach to portfolio training appears to have benefited the students, though we are aware that we have some way to go before the ePortfolio is fully integrated into the curriculum and accepted by all students.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2008


  • ePortfolio
  • personalised learning


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