Two-dimensional self-assembly of benzotriazole on an inert substrate

Federico Grillo, Jose Antonio Garrido Torres, Michael John Treanor, Christian Rodriguez Larrea, Jan Philipp Goetze, Paolo Lacovig, Herbert Anton Fruchtl, Renald Schaub, Neville V Richardson

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The ultra-high vacuum (UHV) room temperature adsorption of benzotriazole (BTAH), a well-known corrosion inhibitor for copper, has been investigated on the pristine Au(111) surface using a combination of surface sensitive techniques. The dimensionality of the molecule is reduced from the 3D crystal structure to a 2-dimensional surface confinement, which induces the formation of hydrogen bonded, 1-dimensional molecular chains consisting of alternating pro-S and pro-R enantiomers mainly. The 0-dimensional system is characteristic of gas-phase BTAH, which undergoes a tautomeric equilibrium, with consequences for the resulting adsorbed species. The balance between hydrogen bonding, inter-chain van der Waals interactions and surface-molecule interactions, and the correlation with the dimensionality of the system, are discussed in the light of the experimental results and a computational description of the observed features.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9167-9177
Issue number17
Early online date25 Mar 2016
Publication statusPublished - 7 May 2016


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