title = "Theodor Fontanes {\"U}bersetzung von Shakespeare{\textquoteright}s Hamlet",
abstract = "This paper explores Fontane's Shakespeare reception and his early translation of Hamlet. Though references to Shakespeare abound in Fontane's work, research in this area is cursory at best. This paper uncovers the multifaceted and often contradictory nature of Fontane's Shakespeare reception: the symbol of genius, Shakespeare is also a figure of identification, around whom Fontane's concepts of Realism crystallize, and yet Shakespeare's plays are repeatedly held to account and criticised by Fontane in reviews. The analysis of Fontane's translation traces stylistic differences between the source text and the translation, arguing that Fontane creates a dynamic Hamlet as a reaction against contemporary German performance practice.",
keywords = "Fontane Shakespeare Hamlet Reception Translation",
author = "White, {Michael James}",
year = "2013",
language = "German",
isbn = "978-3-8260-5060-2",
series = "Fontaneana",
publisher = "K{\"o}nigshausen & Neumann",
booktitle = "Theodor Fontane",