The Virtual Museums of Caen: a case study on modes of representation of digital historical content

John McCaffery, Alan Miller, Anna Vermehren, Adeola Fabola

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

16 Citations (Scopus)
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In the early 19th Century much of the Strath of Kildonan was cleared of its people who were replaced by sheep farming. This pattern was repeated across the Scottish Highlands. In 2013 Timespan, Helmsdale Heritage and Arts Centre, hosted a program of activities to mark the 200th anniversary of the Clearances. The centrepiece of these activities was a community excavation of the Caen township in the Strath of Kildonan. Based upon the evidence of that excavation a digital model of the township was created using the Virtual Time Travel Platform. The Virtual World of Caen can be explored as part of an installation in Timespans storytelling room. Visitors can experience what life would have been like in the Strath of Kildonan in 1813. This paper reports how the model has been deployed in different settings and on various digital platforms. These include showcasing the model at the Helmsdale Highland Games where visitors could explore the township of the past on stereo head mounted displays, or a Virtual Museum website that welcomes visitors from around the globe, as well as using Google Cardboard to allow visitors to explore Caen today, the virtual reconstruction of Caen simultaneously whilst on the site.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2015 Digital Heritage International Congress
Subtitle of host publicationAnalysis & Interpretation Theory, Preservation & Standards, Digital Heritage Projects & Applications
EditorsGabriele Guidi, Roberto Scopigno, Juan Carlos Torres, Holger Graf
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9781509000487
ISBN (Print)9781509002542
Publication statusPublished - 28 Sept 2015
Event2015 Digital Heritage - Granada, Spain
Duration: 28 Sept 20152 Oct 2015


Conference2015 Digital Heritage


  • Virtual histories
  • 3D Web
  • Interaction
  • Learning


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