The study of mobile network protocols with virtual machines

D. Rehunathan, S. Bhatti, V. Perrier, P. Hui

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

3 Citations (Scopus)


With the rapid proliferation of wireless mobile devices in today's society, it is becoming increasingly useful to aggregate mobile devices moving together as a single mobile network. It is also necessary to test new mobile network applications and protocols (e.g. NEMO) in realistic scenarios, where an incremental development approach can be adopted in order to experiment and explore. We present a simulation framework, Cloonix-Net, a virtual network tool using User Mode Linux (UML) machines, for the purposes of building and testing such scenarios. We show that studying mobile network protocols with such a framework is a beneficial step towards better understanding network mobility protocols.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSIMUTools 2011 - 4th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9781936968008
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2011
Event4th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, SIMUTools 2011 - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 21 Mar 201125 Mar 2011


Conference4th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, SIMUTools 2011


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