The reduction of oscillator strength in nanoscale reveals the fragility of high-n Rydberg excitons in Cu2O

Konstantinos Orfanakis, Sai Kiran Rajendran, Hamid Ohadi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Quantum confinement of Rydberg excitons is an important step towards exploiting their large nonlinearities for quantum applications. We observe Rydberg excitons in synthetic as well as natural nanoparticles of Cu2O. While we can resolve up to n = 12 in bulk Cu2O, only resonances up to n = 5 are distinguished in nanoparticles. Due to confinement the exciton transitions in nanoparticles broaden by nearly two folds and the oscillator strength decreases as n-4 compared to those in the bulk (decreasing as ∝ n-3). Our results demonstrate the fragile nature of Rydberg excitons in confined dimensions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
JournalArXiv e-prints
Publication statusPublished - 24 Nov 2020


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