The internationalization of hidden champions from Germany and the UK: an extension to the Born-Again Global path

Alessa Witt, Mahmoud Khalik*, Jose Godinez*

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Although internationalization has been extensively studied, the majority of analyses have focused on motives and enablers, also known as triggers, with less attention paid to internationalization paths. To add to the internationalization paths debate, we explore global niche players dubbed as Hidden Champions from Germany and Britain. Our findings show that a large portion of these firms experience an international ‘rebirth’ by adopting a more accelerated approach to internationalization after already gaining first international experience. This is mainly through exporting activity, which is a variation of the Born-Again Global phenomenon. Due to their unique internationalization path, we call these firms Re-Born-Again Globals. Furthermore, we uncover the critical incidents for the internationalization of these firms, namely changes in management, technology advances, and product diversification.
Original languageEnglish
Article number101129
Number of pages17
JournalJournal of International Management
Issue number2
Early online date25 Mar 2024
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024


  • Global niche players
  • Hidden champions
  • Internationalization paths
  • Re-Born-Again Globals


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