The Implementation of a Hyper-Programming System

G. N. C. Kirby, Q. I. Cutts, R. C. H. Connor, R. Morrison

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


Hyper-programming is a style of programming applicable to strongly typed persistent systems, in which a source program may contain direct links to language values as well as textual program constructs. It represents a form of hyper-media applied to the program development process, in which the links may point to any typed objects. To allow this richer form of source program, the representations of the programs themselves must be held within a persistent store. This paper focuses on the implementation of a prototype hyper-programming system constructed for, and using, the language Napier88. Although here we report on experience with one particular language we believe that the techniques described could be applied to other persistent languages.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversity of St Andrews
Publication statusPublished - 1993


  • XschoolX Xpersistent_disabledX Xarchitecture_disabledX hyper-program reflection
  • school


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