The Herschel ATLAS

S. Eales, L. Dunne, D. Clements, A. Cooray, G. De Zotti, S. Dye, R. Ivison, M. Jarvis, G. Lagache, S. Maddox, M. Negrello, S. Serjeant, M. A. Thompson, E. Van Kampen, A. Amblard, P. Andreani, M. Baes, A. Beelen, G. J. Bendo, D. BenfordF. Bertoldi, J. Bock, D. Bonfield, A. Boselli, C. Bridge, V. Buat, D. Burgarella, R. Carlberg, A. Cava, P. Chanial, S. Charlot, N. Christopher, P. Coles, L. Cortese, A. Dariush, E. da Cunha, G. Dalton, L. Danese, H. Dannerbauer, S. Driver, J. Dunlop, L. Fan, D. Farrah, D. Frayer, C. Frenk, J. Geach, J. Gardner, H. Gomez, J. Gonzalez-Nuevo, E. Gonzalez-Solares, M. Griffin, M. Hardcastle, E. Hatziminaoglou, D. Herranz, D. Hughes, E. Ibar, Woong-Seob Jeong, C. Lacey, A. Lapi, A. Lawrence, M. Lee, L. Leeuw, J. Liske, M. Lopez-Caniego, T. Mueller, K. Nandra, P. Panuzzo, A. Papageorgiou, G. Patanchon, J. Peacock, C. Pearson, S. Phillipps, M. Pohlen, C. Popescu, S. Rawlings, E. Rigby, M. Rigopoulou, A. Robotham, G. Rodighiero, A. Sansom, B. Schulz, D. Scott, D. J. B. Smith, B. Sibthorpe, I. Smail, J. Stevens, W. Sutherland, T. Takeuchi, J. Tedds, P. Temi, R. Tuffs, M. Trichas, M. Vaccari, I. Valtchanov, P. van der Werf, A. Verma, J. Vieria, C. Vlahakis, Glenn J. White

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Herschel ATLAS is the largest open-time key project that will be carried out on the Herschel Space Observatory. It will survey 570 deg(2) of the extragalactic sky, 4 times larger than all the other Herschel extragalactic surveys combined, in five far-infrared and submillimeter bands. We describe the survey, the complementary multiwavelength data sets that will be combined with the Herschel data, and the six major science programs we are undertaking. Using new models based on a previous submillimeter survey of galaxies, we present predictions of the properties of the ATLAS sources in other wave bands.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)499-515
Number of pages17
JournalPublications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Issue number891
Publication statusPublished - May 2010


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