The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets. XLIII. A compact system of four super-Earth planets orbiting HD 215152

J.-B. Delisle, D. Ségransan, X. Dumusque, R. F. Diaz, F. Bouchy, C. Lovis, F. Pepe, S. Udry, R. Alonso, W. Benz, A. Coffinet, A. Collier Cameron, M. Deleuil, P. Figueira, M. Gillon, G. Lo Curto, M. Mayor, C. Mordasini, F. Motalebi, C. MoutouD. Pollacco, E. Pompei, D. Queloz, N. C. Santos, A. Wyttenbach

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We report the discovery of four super-Earth planets around HD 215152, with orbital periods of 5.76, 7.28, 10.86, and 25.2 d, and minimum masses of 1.8, 1.7, 2.8, and 2.9 M⊕ respectively. This discovery is based on 373 high-quality radial velocity measurements taken by HARPS over 13 years. Given the low masses of the planets, the signal-to-noise ratio is not sufficient to constrain the planet eccentricities. However, a preliminary dynamical analysis suggests that eccentricities should be typically lower than about 0.03 for the system to remain stable. With two pairs of planets with a period ratio lower than 1.5, with short orbital periods, low masses, and low eccentricities, HD 215152 is similar to the very compact multi-planet systems found by Kepler, which is very rare in radial-velocity surveys. This discovery proves that these systems can be reached with the radial-velocity technique, but characterizing them requires a huge amount of observations.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberA133
Number of pages9
JournalAstronomy & Astrophysics
Early online date27 Jun 2018
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018


  • Planets and satellites:general
  • Planets and satellites: detection
  • Planets and satellites: dynamical evolution and stability


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