The future of social housing: Key economic questions

Duncan Maclennan, A More

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The merits of market and non-market, or social, housing provision are often debated on the basis of entrenched conceptions of market and bureaucratic systems. From an economic perspective, this paper challenges the validity of traditional 'polar' arguments in support of state or market provision, concluding that there is no ex-ante case favouring one system over the other. In either case, the critical factor in efficient production and management is the design of housing delivery systems, encompassing issues such Its external efficiency pressures, internal incentive structures, controls over managerial discretion, and organisational structure. The paper considers key aspects of system design and concludes that appropriately configured not-for-profit producers should be able to operate as efficiently and effectively as profit-making market providers and that they may have policy advantages in periods of adjustment to excess demand for housing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)531-547
Number of pages17
JournalHousing Studies
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 1997




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