The biostratigraphy of an early Flandrian tufa at Inchrory, Glen Avon, Banffshire.

R. C. Preece, K. D. Bennett, J. E. Robinson

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Tufa information began sometime after c9700 BP when the valley was relatively unshaded except for occasional patches of Betula woodland. An expansion of shade-demanding Mollusca occurs at c400 cm from the top; pollen analyses from these levels indicate the presence of Corylus avellana scrub. A radiocarbon date of 7360+ or -60 BP was obtained from charcoal from a buried soil between 345-350 cm. Above this point there is little change in the composition of the land Mollusca although a pollen from 150 cm indicates that Pinus sylvestris has now become an important forest constituent in the valley. Occurrence of the land snail Vertigo alpestris, known living at only 2 Scottish sites, is noteworthy. Cessation of the tufa formation probably occurred sometime after c6000 BP.-from Authors

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)143-159
Number of pages17
JournalScottish Journal of Geology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1984


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