Terence and the speculum uitae: ‘realism’ and (Roman) comedy

Giuseppe Pezzini

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


What is ‘realism’? A mirror-like reflection of the mere appearances of reality? Or a representation of the truths or essences underpinning that reality? Or a combination of both, or something in-between? Does ‘realism’ aim at, or result in, deception, entertainment, and/or instruction? How are these issues addressed by ancient theorists, especially in relation to the ‘realistic’ genre par excellence: Comedy? In particular, how is ‘realism’ understood by critics of (Roman) Comedy, from comic dramatists such as Terence himself, to commentators such as Donatus, to modern scholars? These are some of the questions this article addresses.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)0
JournalHarvard Studies in Classical Philology
VolumeIn press
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 9 Apr 2019


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