Temperature dependence of pulsed polariton lasing in a GaAs microcavity

Jean-Sebastian Tempel*, Franziska Veit, Marc Assmann, Lars Erik Kreilkamp, Sven Höfling, Martin Kamp, Alfred Forchel, Manfred Bayer

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The second-order correlation function g((2))(tau = 0), input-output curves and pulse duration of the emission from a microcavity exciton-polariton system subsequent to picosecond-pulsed excitation are measured for different temperatures. At low temperatures a two-threshold behaviour emerges, which has been attributed to the onset of polariton lasing and conventional lasing at the first and the second threshold, respectively. We observe that polariton lasing is stable up to temperatures comparable with the exciton binding energy. At higher temperatures a single threshold displays the direct transition from thermal emission to photon lasing.

Original languageEnglish
Article number083014
Number of pages12
JournalNew Journal of Physics
Publication statusPublished - 14 Aug 2012


  • Semiconductor microactivity
  • Quantized vortices
  • Cavity polaritons
  • Room temperature
  • Excitons
  • Time


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