Targeted advertising on the handset: Privacy and security challenges

Hamed Haddadi, Pan Hui, Tristan Henderson, Ian Brown

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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Online advertising is currently a rich source of revenue for many Internet giants. With the ever-increasing number of smart phones, there is a fertile market for personalised and localised advertising. A key benefit of using mobile phones is to take advantage of the significant amount of information on phones — such as
locations of interest to the user — in order to provide personalised advertisements. Preservation of user privacy, however, is essential for successful deployment of such a system. In this chapter we provide an overview of existing advertising systems and privacy concerns on mobile phones, in addition to a system, MobiAd, which includes protocols for scalable local advertisement download and privacy-aware click report dissemination. In the final section of this chapter we describe some of the security mechanisms used in detecting click-through fraud, and techniques that can be used to ensure that the extra privacy protections of MobiAd are not abused to defraud advertisers.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPervasive Advertising
EditorsJörg Müller, Florian Alt, Daniel Michelis
Place of PublicationHeidelberg, Germany
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-85729-352-7
ISBN (Print)978-0-85729-351-0
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Publication series

NameHuman-Computer Interaction Series
ISSN (Print)1571-5035


  • Internet advertising
  • Profiling
  • Privacy
  • Mobility


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