Tackling alcohol-related anti-social behaviour: An evaluation of the Fife Alcohol Diversion Scheme

Hannah Murgatroyd, Damien John Williams, Peter Duncan Donnelly

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


Binge drinking and associated antisocial behaviour is a particular problem in the county of Fife, Scotland. The traditional, criminal justice approach to alcohol related anti-social behaviour has been to impose a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) of £40 in accordance with the Anti-Social Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004. However, following a favourable pilot evaluation the Fife Constabulary has rolled out the Fife Alcohol Diversion Scheme across Fife. In instances of alcohol-related anti-social behaviour, offenders are invited to attend a 3-hour alcohol awareness course, run by Fife Alcohol Support Services (FASS) with the FPN waived. The scheme aims to: (1) improve health, (2) reduce binge drinking and (3) reduce the opportunity for alcohol misuse-related victimisation/offending. An on-going, evaluation of the scheme, utilising a mixed methods approach involving qualitative and quantitative techniques is underway. Attendees of the course are given a survey at the beginning, end and three months after the course. Non-attendees are posted two surveys, one soon after receiving the FPN and one 3 months later. In addition, focus groups involving FASS facilitators and Police Officers were undertaken to assess perceptions of the scheme. The evaluation reports (1) changes in attitudes to alcohol and consumption, (2) why people choose to, or not to attend the course, (3) reoffending rates (from Police statistics), (4) Police Officers' and FASS Facilitators' perception of the course and (5) how to improve the scheme. Given the considerable resource invested in the scheme, the evaluation provides the necessary support and input for its further refinement.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2011
EventAPHA Annual Meeting and Exposition - Washington, United States
Duration: 29 Oct 20113 Nov 2011


ConferenceAPHA Annual Meeting and Exposition
Country/TerritoryUnited States


  • Alcohol Use, Policy/Policy Development


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