Tabletop sharing of digital photographs for the elderly

Trent Apted*, Judy Kay, Aaron Quigley

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


We have recently begun to see hardware support for the tabletop user interface, offering a number of new ways for humans to interact with computers. Tabletops offer great potential for face-to-face social interaction; advances in touch technology and computer graphics provide natural ways to directly manipulate virtual objects, which we can display on the tabletop surface. Such an interface has the potential to benefit a wide range of the population and it is important that we design for usability and learnability with diverse groups of people. This paper describes the design of SharePic - a multi-user, multi-touch, gestural, collaborative digital photograph sharing application for a tabletop - and our evaluation with both young adult and elderly user groups. We describe the guidelines we have developed for the design of tabletop interfaces for a range of adult users, including elders, and the user interface we have built based on them. Novel aspects of the interface include a design strongly influenced by the metaphor of physical photographs placed on the table with interaction techniques designed to be easy to learn and easy to remember. In our evaluation, we gave users the final task of creating a digital postcard from a collage of photographs and performed a realistic think-aloud with pairs of novice participants learning together, from a tutorial script.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCHI 2006
Subtitle of host publicationConference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Conference Proceedings SIGCHI
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jul 2006
EventCHI 2006: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Montreal, QC, Canada
Duration: 22 Apr 200627 Apr 2006


ConferenceCHI 2006: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
CityMontreal, QC


  • Digital photograph
  • Elderly
  • Gesture
  • Learnability
  • Photograph sharing
  • Tabletop interface
  • Touch


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