Structure of BaBiO3-δ at high temperature

Shiyou Pei*, J. D. Jorgensen, D. G. Hinks, P. Lightfoot, Ying Zheng, D. R. Richards, B. Dabrowski, A. W. Mitchell

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Using in situ neutron powder diffraction, we have studied the structures of BaBiO3-δ at high-temperature. Above 520°C, fully oxygenated BaBiO3 has a double cubic perovskite structure (space group Fm3̄m; a=8.8 A ̊) exhibiting a commensurate charge density wave (CDW). Depleting oxygen destroys this commensurate CDW, giving rise to a primitive cubic perovskite structure with one Bi site (space group Pm3̄m; a=4.4 A ̊). Further reduction in oxygen content leads to a pseudo-tetragonal phase with δ≈0.5. We propose that oxygen deficient BaBiO3-δ in the primitive cubic phase could be metallic as a result of losing the commensurate CDW.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1467-1476
Number of pages10
JournalMaterials Research Bulletin
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1990


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