Spin-orbit coupled spin-polarised hole gas at the CrSe2-terminated surface of AgCrSe2

Gesa-Roxanne Siemann, Seo-Jin Kim, Edgar Abarca Morales, Philip Murgatroyd, Andela Zivanovic, Brendan Mark Edwards, Igor Markovic, Federico Mazzola, Liam Trzaska, Oliver Jon Clark, Chiara Bigi, Haijing Zhang, Barat Achinuq, Thorsten Hesjedal, Matthew D Watson, Timur K Kim, Peter Bencok, Gerrit van der Laan, Craig M Polley, Mats LeanderssonHanna Fedderwitz, Khadiza Ali, Balasubramanian Thiagarajan, Marcus Schmidt, Michael Baenitz, Helge Rosner, Phil King*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In half-metallic systems, electronic conduction is mediated by a single spin species, offering enormous potential for spintronic devices. Here, using microscopic-area angle-resolved photoemission, we show that a spin-polarised two-dimensional hole gas is naturally realised in the polar magnetic semiconductor AgCrSe2 by an intrinsic self-doping at its CrSe2-terminated surface. Through comparison with first-principles calculations, we unveil a striking role of spin-orbit coupling for the surface hole gas, unlocked by both bulk and surface inversion symmetry breaking, suggesting routes for stabilising complex magnetic textures in the surface layer of AgCrSe2.
Original languageEnglish
Article number61
Number of pages7
Journalnpj Quantum Materials
Publication statusPublished - 21 Oct 2023


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  • Spin-orbit coupled spin-polarised hole gas at the CrSe2-terminated surface of AgCrSe2 (dataset)

    Siemann, G.-R. (Creator), Soe-Jim, K. (Creator), Abarca Morales, E. (Creator), Murgatroyd, P. (Creator), Zivanovic, A. (Creator), Edwards, B. M. (Creator), Markovic, I. (Creator), Mazzola, F. (Creator), Trzaska, L. (Creator), Clark, O. J. (Creator), Bigi, C. (Creator), Zhang, H. (Creator), Achinuq, B. (Creator), Hesjedal, T. (Creator), Watson, M. D. (Creator), kim, T. (Creator), bencok, P. (Creator), van der laan, G. (Creator), polley, C. (Creator), Leasndersson, M. (Creator), Fedderwitz, H. (Creator), Ali, K. (Creator), Balasubramanian, T. (Creator), Schmidt, M. (Creator), Baenitz, M. (Creator), Rosner, H. (Creator) & King, P. (Creator), University of St Andrews, 9 Nov 2023



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