Space, time and visual analytics

Gennady Andrienko, Natalia Andrienko, Urska Demsar, Doris Dransch, Jason Dykes, Sara Irina Fabrikant, Mikael Jern, Menno-Jan Kraak, Heidrun Schumann, Christian Tominski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Visual analytics aims to combine the strengths of human and electronic data processing. Visualisation, whereby humans and computers cooperate through graphics, is the means through which this is achieved. Seamless and sophisticated synergies are required for analysing spatio-temporal data and solving spatio-temporal problems. In modern society, spatio-temporal analysis is not solely the business of professional analysts. Many citizens need or would be interested in undertaking analysis of information in time and space. Researchers should find approaches to deal with the complexities of the current data and problems and find ways to make analytical tools accessible and usable for the broad community of potential users to support spatio-temporal thinking and contribute to solving a large range of problems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1577-1600
Number of pages24
JournalInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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