Soil carbon in the world's tidal marshes

Tania Maxwell*, Mark Spalding, Daniel Friess, Nicholas Murray, Kerrylee Rogers, Andre Rovai, Lindsey Smart, Lukas Weilguny, Maria Adame, Janine Adams, William (Bill) Austin, Margareth Copertino, Grace Cott, Micheli Costa, James Holmquist, Cai Ladd, Catherine Lovelock, Marvin Ludwig, Monica Moritsch, Alejandro NavarroJacqueline Raw, Ana-Carolina Ruiz-Fernández, Oscar Serrano, Craig Smeaton, Marijn Van de Broek, Lisamarie Windham-Myers, Emily Landis, Thomas Worthington

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Tidal marshes are threatened coastal ecosystems known for their capacity to store large amounts of carbon in their water-logged soils. Accurate quantification and mapping of global tidal marshes soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks is of considerable value to conservation efforts. Here, we used training data from 3,710 unique locations, landscape-level environmental drivers and a global tidal marsh extent map to produce the first global, spatially-explicit map of SOC storage in tidal marshes at 30 m resolution. Here we show the total global SOC stock to 1 m to be 1.44 Pg C, with a third of this value stored in the United States of America. On average, SOC in tidal marshes’ 0-30 and 30-100 cm soil layers are estimated at 83.1 Mg C ha-1 (average predicted error 44.8 Mg C ha-1) and 185.3 Mg C ha-1 (average predicted error 105.7 Mg C ha-1), respectively.
Original languageEnglish
Article number10265
Number of pages16
JournalNature Communications
Publication statusPublished - 26 Nov 2024


  • carbon
  • saltmarsh
  • global
  • soil
  • sediment
  • organic carbon
  • Spatial analysis
  • modelling
  • blue carbon
  • tidal marsh
  • marsh
  • Wetland


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  • Global soil organic carbon in tidal marshes version 1

    Maxwell, T. (Creator), Spalding, M. (Creator), Friess, D. (Creator), Murray, N. (Creator), Rodgers, K. (Creator), Rovai, A. (Creator), Smart, L. (Creator), Weilguny, L. (Creator), Adame, F. (Creator), Adams, J. (Creator), Copertino, M. (Creator), Cott, G. (Creator), Costa, M. (Creator), Holmquist, J. (Creator), Ladd, C. (Creator), Lovelock, C. (Creator), Ludwig, M. (Creator), Moritsch, M. (Creator), Navarro, A. (Creator), Raw, J. (Creator), Ruiz-Fernández, A.-C. (Creator), Serrano, O. (Creator), Smeaton, C. (Creator), Van de Broek, M. (Creator), Windham-Myers, L. (Creator), Landis, E. (Creator) & Worthington, T. (Creator), Zenodo, 30 May 2024


  • Database: Tidal Marsh Soil Organic Carbon (MarSOC) Dataset

    Maxwell, T. L. (Creator), Rovai, A. S. (Creator), Adame, M. F. (Creator), Adams, J. B. (Creator), Álvarez-Rogel, J. (Creator), Austin, W. E. N. (Creator), Beasy, K. (Creator), Boscutti, F. (Creator), Böttcher, M. E. (Creator), Bouma, T. J. (Creator), Bulmer, R. H. (Creator), Burden, A. (Creator), Burke, S. A. (Creator), Camacho, S. (Creator), Chaudhary, D. (Creator), Chmura, G. L. (Creator), Copertino, M. (Creator), Cott, G. M. (Creator), Craft, C. (Creator), Day, J. (Creator), de los Santos, C. B. (Creator), Ding, W. (Creator), Denis, L. (Creator), Ellison, J. C. (Creator), Ewers Lewis, C. J. (Creator), Giani, L. (Creator), Gispert, M. (Creator), Gontharet, S. (Creator), González-Pérez, J. A. (Creator), González-Alcaraz, M. N. (Creator), Gorham, C. (Creator), Graversen, A. E. (Creator), Grey, A. (Creator), Guerra, R. (Creator), He, Q. (Creator), Holmquist, J. R. (Creator), Jones, A. R. (Creator), Juanes, J. A. (Creator), Kelleher, B. P. (Creator), Kohfeld, K. (Creator), Krause-Jensen, D. (Creator), Lafratta, A. (Creator), Lavery, P. S. (Creator), Laws, E. A. (Creator), Leiva-Dueñas, C. (Creator), Loh, P. S. (Creator), Lovelock, C. E. (Creator), Lundquist, C. J. (Creator), Macreadie, P. I. (Creator), Mazarrasa, I. (Creator), Megonigal, J. P. (Creator), Neto, J. M. (Creator), Nogueira, J. (Creator), Osland, M. J. (Creator), Pagès, J. F. (Creator), Perera, N. (Creator), Pfeiffer, E.-M. (Creator), Pollmann, T. (Creator), Raw, J. L. (Creator), Recio, M. (Creator), Ruiz-Fernández, A. C. (Creator), Russell, S. K. (Creator), Rybczyk, J. M. (Creator), Sammul, M. (Creator), Sanders, C. (Creator), Santos, R. (Creator), Serrano, O. (Creator), Siewert, M. (Creator), Smeaton, C. (Creator), Song, Z. (Creator), Trasar-Cepeda, C. (Creator), Twilley, R. R. (Creator), Van de Broek, M. (Creator), Vitti, S. (Creator), Vittori Antisari, L. (Creator), Voltz, B. (Creator), Wails, C. (Creator), Ward, R. D. (Creator), Ward, M. (Creator), Wolfe, J. (Creator), Yang, R. (Creator), Zubrzycki, S. (Creator), Landis, E. (Creator), Smart, L. (Creator), Spalding, M. D. (Creator) & Worthington, T. A. (Creator), Zenodo, 6 Oct 2023


  • Global dataset of soil organic carbon in tidal marshes

    Maxwell, T. L., Rovai, A. S., Adame, M. F., Adams, J. B., Álvarez-Rogel, J., Austin, W., Beasy, K., Boscutti, F., Böttcher, M. E., Bouma, T. J., Bulmer, R. H., Burden, A., Burke, S. A., Camacho, S., Chaudhary, D. R., Chmura, G. L., Copertino, M., Cott, G. M., Craft, C. & Day, J. & 66 others, de los Santos, C. B., Denis, L., Ding, W., Ellison, J. C., Ewers Lewis, C. J., Giani, L., Gispert, M., Gontharet, S., González-Pérez, J. A., González-Alcaraz, M. N., Gorham, C., Graversen, A. E., Grey, A., Guerra, R., He, Q., Holmquist, J. R., Jones, A. R., Juanes, J. A., Kelleher, B. P., Kohfeld, K. E., Krause-Jensen, D., Lafratta, A., Lavery, P. S., Laws, E. A., Leiva-Dueñas, C., Loh, P. S., Lovelock, C. E., Lundquist, C. J., Macreadie, P. I., Mazarrasa, I., Megonigal, J. P., Neto, J. M., Nogueira, J., Osland, M. J., Pagès, J. F., Perera, N., Pfeiffer, E.-M., Pollmann, T., Raw, J. L., Recio, M., Ruiz-Fernández, A. C., Russell, S. K., Rybczyk, J. M., Sammul, M., Sanders, C., Santos, R., Serrano, O., Siewert, M., Smeaton, C., Song, Z., Trasar-Cepeda, C., Twilley, R. R., Van de Broek, M., Vitti, S., Antisari, L. V., Voltz, B., Wails, C. N., Ward, R. D., Ward, M., Wolfe, J., Yang, R., Zubrzycki, S., Landis, E., Smart, L., Spalding, M. & Worthington, T. A., 11 Nov 2023, In: Scientific Data. 10, 14 p., 797.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access

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