Short-Wavelength (760-920 nm) AlGaInAs Quantum Dot Lasers

Thomas W. Schlereth*, Christian Schneider, Sven Gerhard, Sven Höfling, Alfred Forchel

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By adjusting the Al and In concentration of AlGaInAs quantum dots (QDs), their morphologic and spectral properties (i.e., size, height, density, and emission wavelength) can be engineered partly independently. In this paper, we report that this tunability can be used to improve QD laser properties and to realize QD lasers at wavelengths not achievable with the commonly used (Ga)InAs QDs. We show that using tailored AlGaInAs QDs grown on GaAs substrate, the device properties of QD lasers can be improved with respect to material gain, accessible wavelength range, and temperature stability of the wavelength. In particular, we report that the material gain in QD lasers can be notably increased (by a factor of 2.1). Furthermore, we demonstrate QD lasers with application key wavelengths in the range between 760 and 920 nm. The presented short-wavelength (similar to 760 nm) QD lasers exhibit characteristics comparable to state-of-the-art quantum well (QW) lasers (light output >20 mW, sidemode suppression ratios similar to 40 dB, I(tr) = 43 mA). We also demonstrate that AlGaInAs QDs can be used to fabricate QD lasers with extremely high temperature stabilities of the wavelength (0.072 nm/K).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)792-798
Number of pages7
JournalIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • AlGaInAs
  • epitaxy
  • gain
  • quantum dot (QD) engineering
  • QD laser
  • self-assembled QDs
  • short wavelength
  • Stranski-Krastanow growth
  • GAIN
  • GAAS


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