Second Order Accurate Approximation to the Rotemberg Model Around a Distorted Steady State

Tatiana Damjanovic, Charles Nolan

    Research output: Working paper


    Less is known about social welfare objectives when it is costly to change prices, as in Rotemberg (1982), compared with Calvo-type models. We derive a quadratic approximate welfare function around a distorted steady state for the costly price adjustment model. We highlight the similarities and differences to the Calvo setup. Both models imply inflation and output stabilization goals. It is explained why the degree of distortion in the economy influences inflation aversion in the Rotemberg framework in a way that differs from the Calvo setup.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages11
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2010

    Publication series

    NameCentre for Dynamic Macroeconomic Analysis, Working Paper


    • Price Stickiness, Rotemberg Model, Costly Price Adjustment.


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