Searching for Planetary Transits in the Field of Open Cluster NGC 6819

RA Street, Keith Douglas Horne, TA Lister, A Penny, Y Tsapras, A Quirrenbach, N Sa zadeh, D Mitchell, J Cooke, Andrew Collier Cameron

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We present results from our survey for planetary transits in the field of the intermediate-age (similar to2.5 Gyr), metal-rich ([Fe/H]similar to+0.07) open cluster NGC 6819. We have obtained high-precision time-series photometry for over 38 000 stars in this field and have developed an effective matched-filter algorithm to search for photometric transits. This algorithm identified 8 candidate stars showing multiple transit-like events, plus 3 stars with single eclipses. On closer inspection, while most are shown to be low-mass stellar binaries, some of these events could be the result of brown dwarf companions. The data for one of the single-transit candidates indicate a minimum radius for the companion similar to that of HD 209458b.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1287-1297
Number of pages11
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 21 Apr 2003


  • methods : data analysis
  • binaries : eclipsing
  • stars : low-mass, brown dwarfs
  • planetary systems
  • open clusters and associations : general
  • open clusters and associations : individual : NGC 6819


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