Reverse ADOR: reconstruction of UTL zeolite from layered IPC-1P

Ondřej Veselý, Pavla Eliášová, Russell E. Morris, Jiří Čejka

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The assembly–disassembly–organisation–reassembly (ADOR) process has led to the discovery of numerous zeolite structures, albeit limited to materials with decreased pore size in relation to the parent germanosilicate zeolite. This limitation stems from the rapid decrease in d-spacing upon hydrolysis (disassembly). Nevertheless, we have artificially increased the d-spacing of layered IPC-1P by intercalating organic species. Furthermore, we have reconstructed double four rings (D4R) between layers, thus transforming IPC-1P back into the parent UTL zeolite. This reconstruction has provided not only germanosilicate but also a new, high-silica UTL zeolite (Si/Ge = 481). Therefore, our “reverse ADOR” opens up new synthetic routes towards promising extra-large-pore zeolite-based materials with new chemical compositions.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMaterials Advances
VolumeAdvance Article
Early online date2 Apr 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2 Apr 2021


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