Progressive growth of the Cerro Bayo cryptodome, Chachahuén volcano, Argentina—implications for viscous magma emplacement

Steffi Burchardt*, Tobias Mattsson, J. Octavio Palma, Olivier Galland, Bjarne Almqvist, Karen Mair, Dougal A. Jerram, Øyvind Hammer, Yang Sun

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24 Citations (Scopus)


Cryptodome and dome collapse is associated with volcanic hazards, such as explosive eruptions, pyroclastic density currents, and volcanic edifice collapse. The study of the growth and evolution of volcanic domes provides vital information on the link between dome growth and the development of weakness zones that may cause collapse. The Cerro Bayo cryptodome is superbly exposed in the eroded Miocene Chachahuén volcano in the Neuquén basin, Argentina. Cerro Bayo is a >0.3-km3 trachyandesitic cryptodome that intruded within the uppermost kilometer of the Chachahuén volcano. Here we investigate the emplacement of the Cerro Bayo cryptodome using structural mapping, photogrammetry and measurement of magma flow indicators, brittle deformation features, and magnetic fabrics with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. Magma flow fabrics near the margin are concentric and indicate contact-parallel flow and internal inflation of the body. Magmatic and magnetic fabrics and fracture patterns in the interior of the cryptodome are more complex and outline several structural domains. These domains are separated by magmatic shear zones that accommodated intrusion growth. The shear zones locally overprint the earlier formed concentric fabric. The nature of the structural domains shows that the emplacement of Cerro Bayo occurred in three stages that resemble the endogenous to exogenous growth of volcanic domes. The formation of magmatic shear zones during cryptodome formation may have a profound effect on cryptodome stability by creating weakness zones that increase the risk of collapse.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7934-7961
Number of pages28
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Issue number8
Early online date14 Aug 2019
Publication statusPublished - 8 Oct 2019


  • Cryptodome
  • Laccolith
  • Magma emplacement
  • Magma rheology
  • Volcanic plumbing systems


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