Professionalism in medical undergraduates

Vitor Lopes, Julie Struthers, Ruth Cruickshank

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


The concept of medical professionalism is becoming increasingly important. As part of a project leading to a Medical Science (Hons) degree I looked at how medical professionalism was developed in an undergraduate medical curriculum. This involved identifying tools used to promote professionalism at the University of St Andrews; these included reflective e-portfolio, yellow card system, undergraduate agreement, 360 degree appraisal and staff role models. I then set out to assess if these tools were effective in raising undergraduate awareness of professionalism and in modifying behaviour.

Summary of work
An extensive literature review was performed. A questionnaire was developed and medical students (years 1-3) were asked to respond to statements using a five point Likert scale.

Summary of results

Results and conclusions will be available by April 2009.

Take-home message
Medical professionalism can and must be developed in undergraduates. Since assessment drives learning I propose that a more formal assessment of professional behaviour at undergraduate level would raise standards. I await the results of my questionnaire to discover if my peers concur.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 31 Aug 2009
EventAMEE conference 2009 - Malaga, United Kingdom
Duration: 30 Aug 20092 Sept 2009


ConferenceAMEE conference 2009
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • Professionalism
  • Medical students


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