Paul and the Faithfulness of God: (In 2 vols.: Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 - Vol. 2, Parts 3 and 4)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Major two-volume treatment of Paul:(a) in his historical, cultural, philosophical, religious and imperial context; (b) in terms of his worldview, especially symbols and narratives; (c) in terms of his theology, with large-scale new proposals on the three central areas of monotheism (including Christology), election (including justification and the law) and eschatology (including ethics and the future of Israel). Several of the chapters are basically mid-length monographs in their own right (ch. 9=88,000 words, 10=155,000, 11=133,000), and the whole book is nearly 900,000 words long.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
Number of pages1684
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-281-06756-5
ISBN (Print)978-0-281-05554-8, 9780281071395 (vol.1), 9780281071401 (vol.2)
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Publication series

NameChristian origins and the question of God


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