Partitioning algorithms analysis for heterogeneous NoC based MPSoC

Igor K. Pinotti, Thais Webber, Natanael Ribeiro, Carlos N. Fraga, Rubem D.R. Fagundes, César Marcon

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Several new applications have high complexity degree, requiring high processing rate and memory usage. Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) is a promising architecture to fulfill these requirements, due to its high parallelism that enables several tasks been executed at the same time. One problem in current heterogeneous MPSoC design is application's tasks partitioning aiming energy consumption minimization and load balance. In order to optimize partition problems, many algorithms have been applied to generate quality solutions. This work aims to analyze and compare stochastic and heuristic partitioning algorithms for obtaining low energy consumption and load balance when applied to tasks partitioning onto heterogeneous MPSoC.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings - 2012 Brazilian Symposium on Computing System Engineering, SBESC 2012
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event2012 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Computing System Engineering, SBESC 2012 - Natal, Brazil
Duration: 5 Sept 20127 Sept 2012

Publication series

NameBrazilian Symposium on Computing System Engineering, SBESC
ISSN (Print)2324-7886
ISSN (Electronic)2324-7894


Conference2012 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Computing System Engineering, SBESC 2012


  • Mapping
  • MPSoC
  • NoC
  • Partitioning


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