On the stability of homogeneous steady states of a chemotaxis system with logistic growth term

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We consider a nonlinear PDEs system of Parabolic-Elliptic type with chemotactic terms. The system models the movement of a population “n” towards a higher concentration of a chemical “c” in a bounded domain Ω. We consider constant chemotactic sensitivity χ and an elliptic equation to describe the distribution of the chemicalnt dnΔn = −χdiv(nc) + μn(1−n), −dcΔc + c = h(n) for a monotone increasing and lipschitz function h. We study the asymptotic behavior of solutions under the assumption of 2χh′∣ < μ. As a result of the asymptotic stability we obtain the uniqueness of the strictly positive steady states.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-6
JournalApplied Mathematics Letters
Early online date11 Jan 2016
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2016


  • Chemotaxis
  • Stability
  • Steady state
  • Lower and upper solutions


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