Novel S = 1/2 kagome lattice materials: Cs2TiCu3F12 and Rb2TiCu3F12

Lewis James Downie, Elena I. Ardashnikova, Chiu C. Tang, Alexandre N. Vasiliev, Peter S. Berndonosov , Valery A. Dolgikh, Mark A. de Vries , Philip Lightfoot

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Two new members of the A2B′Cu3F12 family of kagome-related materials have been prepared, in order to further understand the crystal-chemical relationships, phase transitions and magnetic behaviour within this family of potentially frustrated S = ½ two-dimensional quantum magnets. Cs2TiCu3F12 adopts a crystal structure with the ideal kagome lattice topology (space group R m) at ambient temperature. Diffraction studies reveal different symmetry-lowering structural phase transitions in single crystal and polycrystalline forms at sub-ambient temperatures, with the single crystal form retaining rhombohedral symmetry and the powder form being monoclinic. In both cases, long-range antiferromagnetic order occurs in the region 16–20 K. Rb2TiCu3F12 adopts a distorted triclinic structure even at ambient temperatures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)226-243
Number of pages17
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 5 May 2015


  • Kagome lattice
  • Magnetic
  • Fluoride
  • Phase transition


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