Non-Euclidean Cloaking for Light Waves

Tomas Tyc, Huanyang Chen, Che Ting Chan, Ulf Leonhardt

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Non-Euclidean geometry, combined with transformation optics, has recently led to the proposal of an invisibility cloak that avoids optical singularities and can, therefore, work, in principle, in a broadband of the spectrum [U. Leonhardt and T. Tyc, Science, vol. 323, pp. 110-112, 2009]. Such a cloak is perfect in the limit of geometrical optics, but not in wave optics. Here, we analyze, both analytically and numerically, full-wave propagation in non-Euclidean cloaking. We show that the cloaking device performs remarkably well even in a regime beyond geometrical optics where the device is comparable in size with the wavelength. In particular, the cloak is nearly perfect for a spectrum of frequencies that are related to spherical harmonics. We also show that for increasing wavenumber, the device works increasingly better, approaching perfect behavior in the limit of geometrical optics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)418-426
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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