New transiting hot Jupiters discovered by WASP-South, Euler/CORALIE, and TRAPPIST-South

Coel Hellier, D. R. Andrerson, F. Bouchy, A. Burdanov, A. Collier Cameron, L. Delrez, M. Gillon, E. Jehin, M. Lendl, L. D. Nielsen, P. F. L. Maxted, F. Pepe, D. Pollacco, D. Queloz, D. Ségransan, B. Smalley, A. H. M. J. Triaud, S. Udry, R. G. West

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We report the discovery of eight hot-Jupiter exoplanets from the WASP-South transit survey. WASP-144b has a mass of 0.44 MJup, a radius of 0.85 RJup, and is in a 2.27-d orbit around a V = 12.9, K2 star which shows a 21-d rotational modulation. WASP-145Ab is a 0.89 MJup planet in a 1.77-d orbit with a grazing transit. The host is a V  = 11.5, K2 star with a companion 5 arcsec away and 1.4 mag fainter. WASP-158b is a relatively massive planet at 2.8 MJup with a radius of 1.1 RJup and a 3.66-d orbit. It transits a V  = 12.1, F6 star. WASP-159b is a bloated hot Jupiter (1.4 RJup and 0.55 MJup) in a 3.8-d orbit around a V  = 12.9, F9 star. WASP-162b is a massive planet in a relatively long and highly eccentric orbit (5.2 MJup, P  = 9.6 d, e  = 0.43). It transits a V  = 12.2, K0 star. WASP-168b is a bloated hot Jupiter (0.42 MJup; 1.5 RJup) in a 4.15-d orbit with a grazing transit. The host is a V  = 12.1, F9 star. WASP-172b is a bloated hot Jupiter (0.5 MJup; 1.6 RJup) in a 5.48-d orbit around a V  = 11.0, F1 star. WASP-173Ab is a massive planet (3.7 MJup) with a 1.2 RJup radius in a circular orbit with a period of 1.39 d. The host is a V  = 11.3, G3 star, being the brighter component of the double-star system WDS23366 − 3437, with a companion 6 arcsec away and 0.8 mag fainter. One of the two stars shows a rotational modulation of 7.9 d.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1379-1391
Number of pages13
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number1
Early online date9 Oct 2018
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019


  • Stars: individual (WASP-144, WASP-145A, WASP-158, WASP-159, WASP-162, WASP-168, WASP-172, WASP-173A)
  • Planetary systems


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