Monitoring population-level responses of marine mammals to human activities

Erica Fleishman, Daniel P. Costa, John Harwood, Scott Kraus, David Moretti, Leslie F. New, Robert S. Schick, Lisa K. Schwarz, Samantha E. Simmons, Len Thomas, Randall S. Wells

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

26 Citations (Scopus)


We provide guidance for monitoring whether human activities affect the physiology or behavior of marine mammals and, if so, whether those effects may lead to changes in survival and reproduction at the population level. We suggest that four elements be included in designing and implementing such a monitoring program. The first is development of a theory of change: a set of mechanistic hypotheses that outline why a given activity might be expected to have one or more measurable effects on individuals and populations, and ideally the magnitude, timing, and duration of the effects. The second element, definition of biologically meaningful effect sizes, ultimately facilitates the development of a monitoring program that can detect those magnitudes of effect with the desired levels of precision. The third element, selection of response variables for monitoring, allows inference to whether observed changes in the status of individuals or populations are attributable to a given activity. Visual observations, passive acoustic and tagging instruments, and direct physical measurements all can provide data that facilitate quantitative hypothesis testing. The fourth element is specification of the temporal sequence of monitoring. These elements also can be used to inform monitoring of the responses of other taxonomic groups to human activities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1004-1021
JournalMarine Mammal Science
Issue number3
Early online date24 Feb 2016
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2016


  • Acoustics
  • Environmental impact statements
  • Marine Mammal Protection Act
  • Results chains
  • Take
  • Vital rates


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