Mobilità tipografica in Francia durante le guerre di religione

Malcolm Walsby, Flavia Bruni (Translator)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther contribution


The French Wars of Religion caused much upheaval in the book world. After a period of instability in the first decades of print, printers no longer moved from one town to another in search of work. But with the Wars of Religion some printers returned to the peripatetic ways of the past. This was no longer the result of economic necessity, rather it was a choice made by printers who wished to have the freedom to print works that, for political or religious reasons, were unacceptable in the towns in which they had previously resided.
Original languageItalian
Title of host publicationMobilità dei mestieri del libro tra Quattrocento e Seicento
Subtitle of host publicationconvegno internazionale Roma, 14-16 marzo 2012
Place of PublicationRome
PublisherFabrizio Serra
ISBN (Print)9788862275231
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Book history
  • Printing history
  • French Renaissance

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