Magnetic reconnection in 2D stratified atmospheres - II. Observational consequences

I Roussev, K Galsgaard

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We synthesise three resonance transitions of Li-like ions, C IV 1548.2 Angstrom, O VI 1031.9 Angstrom, and Ne VIII 770.4 Angstrom, based on the MHD experiments presented in Part I of this study. Part I involved 2D MHD modelling of magnetic reconnection events in stratified magneto-hydrostatic atmospheres selected to represent a "quiet" Sun transition region environment. Here in Part II, we discuss some observable consequences of these simulations by including effects of non-equilibrium ionization in a 1D approximation. All spectral line syntheses are done along a particular ray, oriented vertically along the initial current structure. Computed time-series, in the three spectral lines, reveal both blue- and red-shifted Doppler components. It is found to be easier to detect the reconnection event in the various emission lines as strongly Doppler-shifted components as the stratification increases. We predict what the observational consequences of these reconnection events would be, if various spatial resolutions under 1 arcsec become available in future observations. This work is a continuation of previous numerical studies related to solar explosive events.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)697-705
Number of pages9
JournalExperimental Astronomy
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2002


  • MHD
  • Sun : atmosphere
  • Sun : transition region
  • Sun : UV radiation
  • line : profiles


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