Interglacial vegetation succession: A view from southern Europe

P. C. Tzedakis*, K. D. Bennett

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Factors influencing interglacial vegetation development in southern Europe are considered in a series of comparisons of the vegetation and climatic signatures of selected periods. Multivariate analysis provides a method for standardizing comparison of interglacial vegetation successions, and insolation values and geological evidence supply information on the climatic character of individual periods. Application of this comparative approach to a long pollen record from northwest Greece presents an opportunity to examine a series of interglacial successions under constant background site characteristics, secure chronostratigraphical positions and minimal differences in species' immigration rates. The record of four interglacial period equivalent to marine oxygen isotopic substages 5e, 7c, 9c and 11c is examined. The comparison shows that the two earliest periods are characterized by similar vegetation development despite differences in climatic regimes. Dependence on initial conditions is one of the emergent aspects of the comparisons, suggesting that the nature of surviving populations during a cold stage may be critical in determining the course of interglacial succession.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)967-982
Number of pages16
JournalQuaternary Science Reviews
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 1995


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