Instant adversarial purification with adversarial consistency distillation

Chun Tong Lei, Hon Ming Yam, Zhongliang Guo, Chun Pong Lau

Research output: Working paperPreprint


Neural networks, despite their remarkable performance in widespread applications, including image classification, are also known to be vulnerable to subtle adversarial noise. Although some diffusion-based purification methods have been proposed, for example, DiffPure, those methods are time-consuming. In this paper, we propose One Step Control Purification (OSCP), a diffusion-based purification model that can purify the adversarial image in one Neural Function Evaluation (NFE) in diffusion models. We use Latent Consistency Model (LCM) and ControlNet for our one-step purification. OSCP is computationally friendly and time efficient compared to other diffusion-based purification methods; we achieve defense success rate of 74.19\% on ImageNet, only requiring 0.1s for each purification. Moreover, there is a fundamental incongruence between consistency distillation and adversarial perturbation. To address this ontological dissonance, we propose Gaussian Adversarial Noise Distillation (GAND), a novel consistency distillation framework that facilitates a more nuanced reconciliation of the latent space dynamics, effectively bridging the natural and adversarial manifolds. Our experiments show that the GAND does not need a Full Fine Tune (FFT); PEFT, e.g., LoRA is sufficient.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Publication statusPublished - 2 Sept 2024

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