In search of social contract: Roma in 20th-21st centuries

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The whole history of Roma reflects the constant quest to find a "good place for life." For achieving this goal two possible ways are used consequently or simultaneously. In attempt to secure their well-beings some Roma communities change their place of life and disperse on huge territories throughout the world. Others are creating own organizations and structures in order to negotiate their social position and to conclude social contract defining their place in society with the countries where they live, or in supra- or multinational context. The new realities of United Europe give a new chance to re-negotiate the place of Roma in post-national context. The failure of contemporary European policies towards Roma pose a question if it is possible at all to achieve a Post-national social contract in regard of Roma and if yes, what will be the price for it.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1
Pages (from-to)5-7
JournalAnthropological Notebooks
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 13 May 2017


  • Roma
  • Social contract
  • Nation building
  • Community-society
  • Ethnography
  • Anthropology


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