Impact of ex-situ rapid thermal annealing on the magneto-optical properties and the oscillator strength of In(Ga)As quantum dots

T. Braun, S. Betzold, N. Lundt, M. Kamp, Sven Höfling, C. Schneider

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We discuss the influence of a rapid thermal annealing step on the magneto-optical emission properties of In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots. We map out a strong influence of the growth- and anneling parameters on the quantum excitons' effective Land\'e g-factors and in particular on their diamagnetic coefficients, which we directly correlate with the modification of the emitters shape and material composition. In addition, we study the excitons' spontaneous emission lifetime as a function of the annealing temperature and the dot height, and observe a strong increase of the emission rate with the quantum dot volume. The corresponding increase in oscillator strenth yields fully consistent results with the analysis of the diamagenic behavior. In particular, we demonstrate that a rapid thermal annealing step of 850ºC can be employed to increase the oscillator strength of as-grown InAs/GaAs QDs by more than a factor of 2.
Original languageEnglish
Article number155307
JournalPhysical Review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - 29 Apr 2016


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