Colloquium: Planckian dissipation in metals

S.A. Hartnoll, A.P. MacKenzie

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


The appearance of the Planckian time τP1=ℏ/kBT is reviewed in both conventional and unconventional metals. A pedagogical discussion of the various different timescales (quasiparticle, transport, many-body) that characterize metals is given, with an emphasis on conditions under which these times are the same or different. The possibility of a Planckian bound on dissipation is discussed from both a quasiparticle and a many-body perspective. Planckian quasiparticles can arise naturally from a combination of inelastic scattering and mass renormalization. Many-body dynamics, on the other hand, is constrained by the basic timescales and length scales of local thermalization.
Original languageEnglish
Article number041002
Number of pages27
JournalReviews of Modern Physics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2022


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