Homochiral self-sorted and emissive IrIII metallo-cryptophanes

Victoria E. Pritchard, Diego Rota Martir, Samuel Oldknow, Shumpei Kai, Shuichi Hiraoka, Nikki J. Cookson, Eli Zysman-Colman, Michaele J. Hardie

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The racemic ligands (±)-tris(isonicotinoyl)-cyclotriguaiacylene (L1), or (±)-tris(4-pyridyl-methyl)-cyclotriguaiacylene (L2) assemblewith racemic (Λ, Δ)- [Ir(ppy)2(MeCN)2]+, in which ppy = 2-phenylpyridinato to form [{Ir(ppy)2}3(L)2]3+ metallo-cryptophane cages. The crystal structure of [{Ir(ppy)2}3(L1)2]∙3BF4 has MM-ΛΛΛ nd PP-ΔΔΔ isomers, and homochiral self-sorting occurs in solution, a processaccelerated by a chiral guest. Self-recognition between L1 and L2 within cagesdoes not occur, and cages show very slow ligand-exchange. Both cages are phosphorescent,with [{Ir(ppy)2}3(L2)2]3+ havingenhanced and blue-shifted emission when compared with [{Ir(ppy)2}3(L1)2]3+ .
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6290-6294
JournalChemistry - A European Journal
Issue number26
Early online date20 Apr 2017
Publication statusPublished - 5 May 2017


  • Supramolecular chemistry
  • Cage compounds
  • Homochiral self-sorting
  • Phosphorescence
  • Iridium


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