High cooperativity using a confocal-cavity–QED microscope

Ronen M. Kroeze, Brendan P. Marsh, Kuan-Yu Lin, Jonathan Keeling, Benjamin L. Lev*

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Cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) with cooperativity far greater than unity enables high-fidelity quantum sensing and information processing. The high-cooperativity regime is often reached through the use of short single-mode resonators. More complicated multimode resonators, such as the near-confocal optical Fabry-Prot cavity, can provide intracavity atomic imaging in addition to high cooperativity. This capability has recently proved important for exploring quantum many-body physics in the driven-dissipative setting. In this work, we show that a confocal-cavity–QED microscope can realize cooperativity in excess of 110. This cooperativity is on par with the very best single-mode cavities (which are far shorter) and 21 times greater than single-mode resonators of similar length and mirror radii. The 1.7-μm imaging resolution is naturally identical to the photon-mediated interaction range. We measure these quantities by determining the threshold of cavity superradiance when small optically tweezed Bose-Einstein condensates are pumped at various intracavity locations. Transmission measurements of an ex situ cavity corroborate these results. We provide a theoretical description that shows how cooperativity enhancement arises from the dispersive coupling to the atoms of many near-degenerate modes.
Original languageEnglish
Article number020326
Number of pages19
JournalPRX Quantum
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 11 May 2023


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