Geophysics and climate research: High resolution 2-D seismic surveys recorded at Lake Tana, Ethiopia - The source of the Blue Nile: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts

D. Phillips, C. Richard Bates

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


An extensive high-resolution 2-D seismic survey was collected at Lake Tana in the Ethiopian highlands in support of a regional geological study of the Nile River System. The seismic data was of very high quality, exhibiting a dominant frequency of 5 kHz (20 cm wavelength) and reflectors at depths in excess of 90 m. Several reflectors were interpreted and mapped in an area of closely spaced 2D lines acquired as part of a siting survey for a deep coring. These showed complex near surface sedimentary features, channeling and a change of direction of the regional dip over time. The seismic interpretation is linked to important climatic changes that occurred during deposition.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2008


  • 2D
  • Near surface
  • Resolution
  • Sediment
  • Sources


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